LOL: The worst support support? The disastrous play that has become popular in Reddit

League of Legends It is not a game that allows us to take bad decisions and any error can end up paying very expensive. The faults are magnified being able to give rise to changes in the final result of the game or converting what seemed like a reasonable decision in absolute ridicule. Even professionals have sinned anyone who again committing this kind of errors being the best players of the Riot Games title. A situation that becomes more common as we move away from the elite.

The small failure of a player's calculation and his ridiculous result

In this case it has been a player's error during a qualifying game that has become popular in the community. It is a play in the lower lane in which we see a concatenation of faults that culminates with a double low completely avoidable. All because of a failure when calculating the damage that would inflict the skills of the rival and the too optimistic approach of the player who has ended up becoming very popular in the community forums.

Although the result is resounding, the truth is that there is not so much to cast the player. It ends up falling with the last activation of the enemy on and the shooter seemed to have just life to resist the definitive of the enemy Caitlyn. Attending to the damage formula, she was going to catch a blow of something more than 320 points of life. An amount to which she does not arrive for just a dozen health units.

Although watching the play we could think that the players are in a low range, the truth is that the average classification of the game according to ELMER was platinum 1. enough to overcome more than 95% of the players of League of Legends and demonstrate that even in the ranking areas these unfortunate movements can take place.
